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Feedbackchimp Features

Docs on each feature and how to use them

Board settingsHow to set up, manage, and delete boards in Feedbackchimp
Public BoardsReceiving public feedback with Feedbackchimp
Read-only BoardsLearn how to make your feedback board read-only so that users can only view them in FeedbackChimp.
Set up feedback boardsLearn how to create a new feedback board in FeedbackChimp.
Different Board Privacy OptionsLearn about the different board privacy options within FeedbackChimp and how they can be useful.
Private BoardsLearn how to create and manage Private Boards within FeedbackChimp.
How to Restrict a Feedback Board With PasswordLearn how to restrict a feedback board to members only with a password in FeedbackChimp.
Anonymous Posting, Commenting, and Upvoting in FeedbackChimpLearn how to configure various anonymous actions in FeedbackChimp.
Hiding Author Information in FeedbackChimpLearn how to protect the privacy of the author of a post, comment or even a vote in FeedbackChimp.
TagsUse tags to organize posts within boards
Customizing FieldsLearn how to collect additional structured information in Feedbackchimp posts and map company fields
Post & Comment ModerationLearn about moderating posts and comments in FeedbackChimp
Creating a PostHow Feedbackchimp receives feedback in the form of posts
Post statusesHow to set up your roadmap statuses and update the status of a post
How to Pin a Post in FeedbackChimpLearn how to highlight a post in FeedbackChimp by pinning them for your users to see it at the very top of your board.
Hiding Post & Comment Creation DatesLearn how to hide dates on posts and comments in FeedbackChimp.
Estimated Dates for Posts (ETA)Better manage expectations by specifying an estimated month and year when a feature will be available
Exporting Posts from FeedbackChimpLearn how to export your data from FeedbackChimp for easier management and flexibility.
Importing Posts in FeedbackChimpLearn how to import data manually or from other platforms to FeedbackChimp.
CategoriesUse categories to group and organize posts on your Feedbackchimp boards
Managing Posts in FeedbackChimpLearn how to manage posts in FeedbackChimp.
Using the Text Editor in FeedbackChimpLearn how users can customize their feedback content on FeedbackChimp.
Creating Custom Post StatusesLearn how to create your own post statuses in FeedbackChimp and manage the progress of your product updates effortlessly.
Assigning Owners to a PostLearn how to assign an owner to a post in FeedbackChimp.
All helpful articles on using FeedbackChimp's advanced Changelog feature
What are changelogs?Learn about the changelog feature in FeedbackChimp and how it lets you share product updates.
Creating ChangelogsLearn how to create changelog entries in FeedbackChimp.
Configuring ChangelogsLearn how to configure changelog settings in FeedbackChimp.
Subscribing users to changelogsLearn how to bring subscribers to FeedbackChimp so they can stay updated.
Disabling the changelogLearn how to disable or hide changelogs in FeedbackChimp.
Changelog Widget & PopupLearn about FeedbackChimp's Changelog widget and popup, when to use it, and how to install it.
Importing Changelog in FeedbackChimpLearn how to import your changelog in FeedbackChimp.
All documentation on how to create and manage roadmaps in FeedbackChimp
What are Feedback Portals?Learn how feedback portals work and why you need them.
Sharing Your Feedback PortalLearn how to easily share your feedback portal and get insightful information from users.
Editing The Feedback Portal's TextLearn how to fully customize your feedback portal to get more flexibility.
Hiding the Feedback PortalLearn how to hide your feedback portal and restrict access to it.
Using FeedbackChimp With Multiple ProductsLearn how you can use FeedbackChimp with many different products effortlessly.
Deleting teammatesLearn how to delete a teammate in FeedbackChimp.
Editing a Teammate's User RoleLearn how to change the user role for a teammate
Editing a Custom User RoleLearn how to edit a custom user role in FeedbackChimp.
Deleting a Custom User RoleLearn how to remove a custom user role in FeedbackChimp.
User RolesLearn about the different user roles in FeedbackChimp and how to manage them.
How to Create Custom RolesLearn how to add custom roles in FeedbackChimp.