In-App Feedback Widget

Learn how to use the in-app feedback widget with FeedbackChimp to collect reviews and feedback from your users.

Avatar of tanazmasaba06
Written by tanazmasaba06
Last updated Oct 17, 2024
FeedbackChimp's in-app feedback widget allows users to easily share their feedback directly within the app. This feature ensures a seamless feedback experience and encourages active user engagement.

How to Use the In-App Feedback Widget

  1. Click on the Give us feedback option from the sidebar. This will open the in-app feedback widget.
  2. Type your feedback in the provided text box.
  3. If needed, you can attach images to your feedback by uploading them through the widget.
The in-app feedback widget provides a convenient way for users to communicate their suggestions, report issues, or share their experiences.
If you need further assistance, contact our Customer Support or explore related documents.